Gurdjieff, the early 20th century mystic, teaches that human beings develop along two trajectories, that of being and knowledge. Developing along just one line without the other leaves a person one-dimensional and limited. And it is often through the very struggle of adversity that being is developed.
Everybody fails at some point in their lives. But there are many ways to look at failure. Did Steve Jobs fail when we was initially fired from Apple in the mid-80s? Or did that event provide him with the necessary internal growth – the necessary development of “being” – to later build Apple into one of the world’s most successful companies? It’s hard to know for sure, but what is certain is that had Steve just given up, the rest would not be history.
Failure can just as easily spur success as it can giving up. It’s what we do with the experience that determines whether we succeed or fail. And on a much deeper level, failure makes us real. It gives us endurance and wisdom. It teaches empathy and connects us with a universal human experience.
Life is ever emerging in new and unforeseen ways. The only way to avoid failure is to avoid life… which might be the greatest failure of all.
In today’s video we explore specific techniques that will help you “fail” your way to success.
How to Fail Your Way to Success