Early in my entrepreneurial career, I was selling real estate rentals in the Boston area. After two months on the job I was failing miserably and almost ready to quit. My working strategy was to churn through as many prospects as I could, always moving on to the next client.
Desperate, I started studying sales and I got serious about quality over quantity. I gave my clients unprecedented service and attention, becoming fully present to their needs and devoting myself to finding exactly what they wanted. Within one month, I became the top performing agent in my office.
FOMO – fear of missing out – can be as significant as not giving the business in front of you the attention it deserves and as subtle as constantly checking email. Maybe you’re worried about if you’ve made the right choice to be with someone or struggling with which movie to watch, what dish to order, what party attend, who to spend time with, what to do – all of this is FOMO.
The opposite of FOMO is being with what is. FOMO is all about you. Your agenda, what you want, what you’re afraid of. Being with what is is all about being fully present to the experience that life is offering you and the potential that it holds.
One of my earliest business mentors was Henk Rogers, the guy who brought Tetris to the world. What struck me about him was that he had taken something so simple, a game with colorful blocks, and turned it into a global brand worth hundreds of millions of dollars. It’s easy to overlook the fact that Henk cultivated the Tetris franchise for almost 20 years before generating a massive payout.
The world pushes us to be better, faster, more. This is the FOMO mantra. It elevates shallow experience over patience. In noticing the finer details of what is already present, we open up to unexpected possibilities. Patience and presence invites satisfaction and prosperity.
Today’s video explores overcoming FOMO. Please enjoy!
“Prosperity is a state produced immediately by the mind. When the sun comes out of the clouds, everything is lit. When the mind comes out of duality, prosperity is there.” – Yogi Bhajan