The System: Self Show,

Learning to Listen

Recently I was having a heated conversation with a close friend of mine. She was giving me work related feedback and I wasn’t being particularly receptive.  Ironically, the feedback was related to a listening exercise that I was testing and I wanted to tell her that no, she just wasn’t

The System: Self Show,

Surrender for the Win

I love juicy words like surrender.  I spent years confronted by this concept. For something that is at the heart of so many religious and spiritual traditions, it was hard for me to connect with surrender in a practical and accessible way.  I felt certain that something that is so

The System: Self Show,

Being With Discomfort

This week we delve into one of my favorite subjects – being with discomfort. Somehow, this one never gets old – a) because it’s so hard to do and b) because it’s the key to wholeness. What’s that?  Discomfort is the key to wholeness?  But I thought wholeness was all

Practical philosophy,

On Humility

I often reflect on humility.  Of all the developments in my life, this is one I am most grateful for.  Yet, it is a virtue that remains ever elusive and unfolding. The dictionary definition of humility is “a modest or low view of one’s own importance.”  This always gave me

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